I've moved a lot in my life and lived in several different States in the US. I have come to realize over the years the best places to live is where there are lower amounts of population and a lot more rural sprawl. Specifically areas near smaller towns and at least 50 minute drive from any given major city. The less people around you the less bullshit and crime around your immediate area, typically less taxation and less zoning regulation too. The downside is the cost of commuting. You go to the grocery store less often but when you do you stock up for a month worth of food every time you shop. You commute longer, less often, but take full advantage when you do. Can't say that if you have a job in the nearest major city though lol. It would be much better finding a decent trade job in the local area if that were the case. There is a good book to read to help you research decent get-aways called "Strategic Relocation" by Joel Skousen (if you buy this book make sure you get his newest addition though, as times change so do local politics, social/economic statistics and demographics too). That book also gives a "Freedom" ranking for each State in the US, as well a "Corruption" ranking. The book will tell you what you need to know about each and every State, where the best and safest retreats are in each State to live, population stats, demographic stats, crime stats, major nuclear targets, etc. Obviously some States are enormously better and safer to live than other States for many various reasons.