while I don't like Biden, it's ironic that YOU would refer to any other man as a "pussy"...

because you don't get ANY vagina....

you've NEVER seen a vagina in real life...

you didn't become a sedentary isolated awkward misfit videogame & imageboard douchebucket by being an athlete or a ladies man...


lol @ you playing videogames while I get my dick sucked....

you created your effeminate sissyboy thread 6 months ago, and I can GUARANTEE you haven't even tried to find a girlfriend since then...

you don't even try... 

you're a passive homosexual 

you're not actively gay yet, because you're a computer & videogame do-nothing...

but of another guy unzipped his pants in your face, you'd automatically open your mouth...

because you're totally inexperienced with women, and only comfortable in douchebucket conversations with other similarly sexually & socially impotent adult males who have also never seen a vagina in real life...

you have ZERO history with females, other than your mommy...

you don't even have any basic platonic friendships with any females..

basically, you're something between little boy and a little girl...

your political opinions mean NOTHING

because you can't fuck....
        you can't fight...
        and you can't deny it

PUSSY ?......

  you're more of a gaping rectum

and one of these days, simply out of your desperation and desire to experience human touch, you WILL end up taking other men's penises

just like a woman

you ARE a woman