They unknowingly helped ruin the internet by giving up their personal privacy using those surveillance devices and enriched the corrupt big tech industry by doing so. Now it is so much easier to censor people, spy on people, dox and harass people. Those smartphones also make the internet more addictive in many ways. So now the internet is ubiquitous everywhere, non-stop advertising and non-stop data collecting, monitoring everyones' movements and whereabouts and conversations. Smartphones were the trojan horse of the surveillance state which grew into an industry that oppresses their users and invades their private lives, and yes, conveniently they have massive ties to governmental agencies. So yah, congratu-fucking-lations normies! Next up will be a social credit score system with "health" passports, where your ability to buy or sell will be up to those you handed power over to. Fuck it will feel good leaving this horseshit planet, glad I'm old.