It's funny that people are only just now realizing that. Like it took until last year until some fad boy wannabe techie youtube channels started making videos about how you shouldn't go without a condom if you're leaving the tor network. 

Hidden services like this website fine, clearnet not so fine. It would be nice if the TOR project wasn't a bunch of out of touch retard boomers "duhhh it's bad to use VPN with tor even though dat actually make you more anonymous durrr"

Just add a fucking outproxy setting to your shit browser and add a VPN option to your shit ass 2003 era TAILS OS. Really defeats the purpose when every TOR IP is not only known but publicly posted on the official website.

God damn niggers. I just use straight VPN now since it doesn't really matter as long as you have a decent one, specially with most offering a multi hop option these days for tin foil hat aspies.