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For a low budget independent film, this is a rather fun-to-watch retro campy post-apocalyptic cult classic if you have some spare time.

Damnation Valley (1977). Starting at the 123rd Strategic Missile Wing Tipton US Air Force Base in the middle of the Mojave Desert, California, the military crew detects incoming nuclear missiles from the Soviet Union. They naturally deploy all deterrents and retaliatory strikes, only there are not enough deterrents to save most American cities. Many American cities are reduced to radioactive dust. The power of the nuclear war between the US and the USSR has tilted the Earth's axis, creating deadly dangerous natural disasters on top of radioactive wastelands. As they spend months living in the underground bunkers of the base, an airman falls asleep dropping a lit cigarette, starting a small fire, which causes an explosion after reaching a gas pipe. Most of the crew die, including the base commander. The few who survived were temporarily outside the bunker. They decide to take the two Landmaster APCs from the fortified garage port after receiving a weekly radio transmission from Albany, New York, in order to find survivors. During their trip they come across harsh radioactive storms, colonies of mutated killer cockroaches, a stranded boy, a lovely lady, dangerous armed marauders and hemisphere-wide tsunamis. Can they survive? Find out, get your copy of Damnation Valley on VHS or Beta cassette today!