thumbnail of Pooping Cartoon Cat.mp4
thumbnail of Pooping Cartoon Cat.mp4
Pooping Cartoon Cat mp4
(6.88 MB, 1280x720 h264)
Did your tard wranglers help you type all that out for you? You must be exhausted after all of that.

Zeig Heil Mein SS Yonkerführer

We must submit and obey his holy will

So… WHO does he want to be known as TODAY? Let’s play along with his childish little Game!

➽ [●] Jordan Manuel Rivera, aka.

Yonkers / Meow Meow Kitty / Bell Cat / Woody / gwow19 / Macker Mellamental Relashni / Lil’ Macker / Starcat / Lil’ Dalla Mane / Woody Woodpecker / Evil Dark Lord / Scarfy / dvdcollection123 / dvdrocks / Jay Dane / Asriel / blandsupestar / GansterWoody / Ralsei / Typical-Warrior / Starzy the Starcat / Geordie / Starruko / Mittens…

YES! There are the names he has actually called himself and has demanded everybody else call him, over these last few years… it’s clearly all just a childish game for him.

➽ [●] He appropriately responds to any of these names as well:

Yonkers/Meow Meow Kitty/Turd Ninja/typical-warrior/Ralsei/GangsterWoody/Wonky Yonky/blandsuperstar/Pooh Jabbah the Hutt/Asriel/Microdick/PooKnocker/Jackson/Fuckwit/Jaydane/Senpai Toilet San/dvdrocks/Sophia/pdz/Mittens von Yonkers/Yoinkass/Simple One/Carmen/Pampers Priest/Chonkers/House Tour/Topelole/Shitfoot/dvdcollection123/Poopspectre/PedoDiaperScatFur/Crackpot Raddish/Huggies Huffer/Smegna/Chaos Chicken/EvilDarkLord/Klim/Yonker-Chan/Fecal Goblin/Sir Derpalot of the Watnai Order of the Wet Fart/WoodyWoodpecker/pdz/La Criatura del Inodoro/Woofy/Toilet Man/Rape Ape in Diapers/BiguShitto/Macker Relashni/YesTown/Mr. Poop/Lole/Bowel Boy/Lil’ Macker the Brapper aka. Lil’ Dalla Mane/Macker/Sgt. Stench/Yonkacabra/Watnai/gangsterwoody/El Yonkre/Unknown Human/He Who Clogs Toilets/Joshie the Gay Retarded Diaper-Wearing Bunny Bee/PDD/Dipshit/Yoinky Sploinky/Anonymous/KERS/Stanko/Salways/Retard/Kitty God/Megan/Spaceman/Yonkres/gwow19/Joshie/ChrisChan/Dump Ass/Klimmy/Woody/Megna/Yoinkres/Bell Cat/Mexican Fartbox/Chupacabra Shitfoot/Shittens the Pooball/Poopcat/StarCat/Geordie/Pikachu/Terror of Tard Town/Gibbering Shitgibbon etc etc.