I don't care about him. I wouldn't even c are about the fact he'd die soon. Because let's face it, Klim hasn't always been the brightest, not even growing up to be  the sick fuck he is. He already went down the path of being creepy, and also stalky. 
He's literally saved most of  my pictures too. Not just art ones 
no, i went to other better internet sites on MY OWN HOME. in fucking pennyvane. You know damn well where I fucking live you crazy schizotard 
no i was not hard typing swear words to you. 
i want you to either learn how to fuck off for good, or forever suffer for many years right before an asteroid hits earth, very soon. you cant be a larping person all your life, no black person wastes their life on harassing an adult that's literally not flawed in anyway let alone regret coming on sites during the underage phase. you're wasting your time even blogposting to some guy who doesn't even care to brag about anime shit and other "jap" shit as well as assume the worst (mostly false). 
you and bongo are not any better, okay? no i'm not "our boy", stop calling me that. no, LOL tv isn't a copy of anything nor does it promote fucking lolicon. it isn't inkbunny-related. just because i took a random meme word based off of "laugh out loud" doesn't mean it connotates with arguably hated on fictional content 
no i never talked to myself? i was literally calling you a liar because you assumed i was somewhere else when i've never been in a group home for practically any year now. i wouldn't even spend someone's birthday in that shithole either