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The White Pill: A Tale of Good and Evil
The Russian Revolution was as red as blood. The Bolsheviks promised that they were building a new society, a workers’ paradise that would change the nature of mankind itself. What they ended up constructing was the largest prison that the world had ever seen, a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that spanned half the globe. It was a country where people's lives meant nothing, less than nothing—and they knew it. But no matter what atrocity that the Soviets committed—the secret police, the torture chambers, the show trials, the labor camps and the mass starvation—there was always someone in the West rushing to justify their bloodshed. For decades, it seemed perfectly obvious that the USSR wasn’t going anywhere—until it vanished from the face of the earth, gradually and then suddenly. This is the story of the rise and fall of that evil empire, and why it is so important for the good to never give up hope. This is the white pill.
Table of contents :
1 “Doesn’t Anybody Smile in Russia Anymore?”
2 Almost Impossible to Convey
3 You Can’t Even Conceive of What It is Like
4 Understand It is Totally Inhuman
5 They Try to Live a Human Life
6 Try to Imagine What It is Like
7 Afraid of Anything and Everybody
8 In Constant Terror From Morning Until Night
9 Waiting For the Doorbell to Ring
10 A Country Where Human Life is Nothing
11 Less Than Nothing
12 And You Know It
13 The Last Stand on Earth
14 Because You Are Free
15 Die Hard
16 The White Pill