I didn't make those investments, and I'm not worse off. I'm about the same as I was at the end of 2017. Nothing changed financially for me. I bought an ebike for local transportation. I planned ahead, studied and learned all about ebikes and DC power. I searched for 3 years until I found the one with the best frame and configuration for my needs, and finally found a good price. I have a small motorcycle that I've had for years and will keep it as long as I need to. But I don't use it much because the ebike is so much fun and all I really need. My life is very simple, and that equals cheap, problems are small and easy to fix. *Concerning the world and human behavior; no one has ever been able to fix that. I can offer a simple, straight forward to the point and truthful answer to why that is, and I don't have to argue, call anyone names or get emotional to do that.
*Mean rotten nasty selfish mentally defective vampires and their extortion machines have made small problems into large ones for too long. And the human power structure on this planet makes fixing these problems impossible. When I was 11 years old, I asked myself 2 questions: Why are things the way they are? And what made them that way? Simple questions, but not very easy to answer. Over the years I did the necessary research and found the answers. This is why I'm always happy enough and the world doesn't bother me that much. Thank you for your comments.