First, I'm not trying to annoy you, just stimulating a good conversation. I'll answer all questions point by point, paraphrased. At the end, I will provide a summary of my thinking process. 
Part 1
> Why would I want to be reminded that the imaginary stories in my head do not match with my life reality at this time?
From the link that you provided:
*US Consumer Price Index: Eggs is at a current level of 261.10, up from 255.49 last month and down from 336.06 one year ago. This is a change of 2.20% from last month and -22.30% from one year ago.

*Eggs are cheaper now than 1 year ago.

If you had adult chickens that laid eggs, we would be talking about the price of cornmeal to feed the chickens, and the eggs would be a welcomed byproduct.
Part 2
I live in Wisconsin, 80 miles north of Chicago, my food prices have doubled since the pandemic some things cost even more, I do understand what you said. I shop at Aldi first and Walmart only for things that Aldi doesn't carry, anything that I can't buy locally I get from Amazon. I was forced to retire in 2017, health reasons. I'm not rich, but I have a few thousand put away for unexpected changes caused by the rich assholes you complained about. I live in a low income senior apartment, 1 mile from the food stores above. My income from social security for 2024.
This (raise) is up $33.80 per month from last year:
$1112.70 per month
-203.70 medicare
$909.00 net
-329.00 rent and inet
$580.00 for everything else
The things I post are to entertain outside the usual box of conditioned behavior. Sometimes it provokes a different kind of conversation, distraction can be more entertaining than the same thing every day. 
I realized that when I go to sleep, all my dreams are about becoming something I am not to solve a problem. So if people pretend to be what they are not to solve the problems in life; improvise and adapting, to overcome the chaos and changes that cannot be controlled. Is it any more effective to just be who you really are? And if so, what is that?
I didn't have anyone to ask if I posted it on this board, the usual response will be negative. And so I asked the I Ching, and the answer I share with you.
My numbers 64:246:2...(hexagram 64, special lines 2,4,6, and the result is 2).
hexagram 2

64: Every ending is a new beginning.
2: Fulfillment will come if you let things happen and allow yourself to be led. Maintain an attitude of humble, open-minded equanimity.

This is an example of what Anthropologists (social scientists) think about. Thank you for your patience and comments, :^) take care.