Theta Waves

Theta Brain Waves | Deep Meditation, Deep Sleep, Powerful Healing, Improve Memory | Binaural Beats [headphones required]

Peaceful Flute Music for Inner Peace | Relaxing Music for Meditation, Yoga, Zen and Stress Relief
> I am happier in the illusion that Fox News presenters don't exist, is that so wrong? Would you so cruelly shatter the happy world people with gender dysphoria conjur for themselves? Much like them, my mind may not reflect reality, but it's nicer in there.
The question that you have to ask is: Why would someone need to base their life on a Fantasy? Reality requires no maintenance.
As long as you remain free of obligations to others, you may pursue whatever course of action that suits you. Avoid any preoccupation with success. 
Postmodern egalitarian relativism:
The realizing person stands alone without fear or sorrow. One must act not react, don't allow external stimuli to influence your every move. Everything that is personal, related to the ego, is excluded. The picture is that of a sage who stands outside the affairs of the world. Liberated from his ego, he contemplates the laws of life and so realizes that knowing how to become free of blame is the highest good. Everyone has a demon inside of them. The Dao De Jing recognizes the yin & yang - opposing forces inside all of us. The darkness and the light, the killer and the hero. For everyone you save, there will be someone you can't. And the hardest thing you're going to have to face is not some monster out there. But that feeling of uselessness; when you can't do anything. Or the guilt that weighs on you when you make a mistake. Some things you can't fight, some things you just have to live with. 
Worldly affections lead to ties and passions. In the end, you lose what you love. That's why you experience suffering. I should empty my mind to overcome my agony now. The highest form of meditation is called do nothing: 1) Let whatever happens happen. 2) As soon as you are aware of an intention to control your attention, drop that intention. Simply watch the story of your ego playing out in your head.