They specifically said cartoons of REAL minors (i.e. grace vanderwall or issy simpson depicted as underage and in porn) is something worth a charge, not a fiction, unreal creation of a fake thing... 
Like, if I draw a cartoon cat or CREATURE that RESEMBLES NOBODY AT ALL??? It isn't fucking zoophilia nor pedophilia.  Stop trying to fucking put your sick paraphilia in cartoons holy shit. 
My god you're actually stupid you don't even have any respect for victims. Kill yourself. 
You probably would still hate me  if I told you I got fucking abused irl. 
> tells me to stop repeating  myself 
> is doing the exact thing to my posts 
Man fuck off you post that chicken and  jordan image multiple times already,  are you a robot or something? Stop please. 
Who the fuck is an "addict" because I'm not, for sure.