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thumbnail of blockel.png
blockel png
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> i hope-
Hopes denied,  delusional spastic. Shove a giant pill up your throat.
I'm not defending REAL people using REAL children for THEIR AI porn.  
Now, let me show you a drawing of something NOT REAL. 
Do you see any "minor" in it? I didn't think so. 
They were living in the UK, dumbass. PLUS THIS WAS 13 YEARS AGO?! LMAO 
> but drawings and animation are more of a thought crime  
Man, you're a thought crime person, aren't you? 
Read my post again, I'm not "defending" anyone. 
Oh, speaking of "judge" why not tell that to Klim. An actual pedophile that speaked  to me  inappropriately when I was a  literal minor during 2020s. Don't pretend to not care, drive off the elder bastard.