OK... let's use Yonkers' own logic and rationale in response, shall we? That should drive him into 100% full sperg rage.

> Wanted to date me
The past is irrelevant to what is happening now. Stop bringing up the past.
> repeats
Please stop repeating yourself by using the same innane arguement endlessly, when it has been proven to be incorrect.
> Toilet Man
Why do you keep bringing up the past when it has got nothing to do with now?
> Kill yourself
Please stop telling people to self-harm. That is wrong and I will not allow it.
> Buddy
You are not my friend, my boy friend or my lover. Stop saying this from now on. Don't do it again. I mean no this time.

> 2020-2021
Please stop bringing up the past when it has no relevance to now. Don't do that anymore. I mean it.
> disgsting vile actions
Are you talking about the past again? Please stop doing this and don't do it again. I am telling you for the very last time.