(*) Mentally and socially incapable; Remains unemployed and unemployable; Lives at home; No personal responsibilities/consequences; No housework/domestic chores; No cooking, washing or washing up; No need to own or drive a car; No need to be educated; No need to pay Tax; no need to support household financially; Not allowed to go outside alone; No friends or interpersonal relationships etc.
(*) Father (Hector) divorced his mom and left the family. No strong male role model.
(*) Is abusive, violent, angry, hostile, aggressive, negative, racially abusive, inhospitable. Shows racial hatred; “KYS”; “Fuck off and die” etc. Yell; Flip out; screaming etc.
(*) Slapped his mother attempting to steal her phone to use when his got removed.
(*) Cannot discern his fantasy world from reality; Creates imaginary infantile cartoon friends/worlds; insists they are real. Eg. “Flufferians” etc.
(*) Posted his own penis (nb. Very VERY small micropenis aka. ‘Button Mushroom’)/genitalia/ass without being prompted (not once but TWICE+), then blamed someone else made him do it.
Note: he did this when he was underage, therefore he posted CP in public.
(*) Caught masturbating on chat/discord threads TWICE.
(*) Misguided and misplaced attempts at online Roleplay: Cubs wearing diapers & “Mr. Snuggles”; Attempted Roleplay as “Megan” who was using HRT to transition, with images.
(*) Observed paedophilic tendencies.
(*) Makes ridiculously unverifiable claims: “I literally have magic”; “I cannot die”; “I am a scientist”; “I am over 1,000 years old”; “I am a cat/dragon…”; “I have cat parents”; “I literally lived in France”; “I am god”, etc.
(*) Makes shit up as he goes, including his ‘Canon Lore.’
(*) Project onto others what he perceives to be his own failings, faults, flaws, weaknesses, inconsistencies, deficiencies, and shortcomings; reflect onto others the blame for things he perceives to be negative characteristics about himself. “My perception of you is a reflection of me.” ie. “You am I.” He knows that deep inside his very essence what he is, and no amount of hiding behind PDD can change that.
(*) Refuses to listen and/or learn/take advice; incapable of co-operation and/or collaboration.
(*) Forum/Discord lifecycle: Open; Invite people; Abuse people; Ban them for no good reason; Complains that no one comes to his site; Abandon site; Repeat forever.
(*) Incapable of neither making nor implementing plans/goals/aims, therefore never finishes anything he announces; blames others for this. ie. “Nothing Go!”, “Jampacked”, “LoleTV” etc.
(*) Pathological Lying.
(*) Never be wrong; always be seen to be right.