Yonkers’ “Flufferians” Official ©️®️™️ Canon Lore

[x] “Fluffer” (ˈflʌfə ): a person employed on a pornographic film set to ensure that male actors are kept aroused.
Source: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/fluffer#:~:text=(%CB%88fl%CA%8Cf%C9%99%20),Collins%20English%20Dictionary.

[x] A “fluffer” is a person who prepares the actors for their participation in pornography roles
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluffer

“I imagine ‘Fluffer Ian’ to be a fat balding man in his 40s who works on gay porn shoots whacking off the stars between scenes”.

This is now confirmed as Official©️®️™️ Yonkers/Poopcat/Macker/Mittens Canon Lore.

“So Mote It Be”