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thumbnail of poop police badge 01.png
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Those are some very serious allegations: You should report them to the Police and Proper Authorities, Jordan.

They will need to survey all of your electronic devices to find evidence of your claims. Are you willing to do that, or will you just continue to make false accusations that you cannot prove?

Why does “the angry anon” respond to these posts at all? What are they trying to hide and/or prevent from happening, we all wonder?

Jordan: If you think you'd rather talk to him about it every single day of your life and whine like a bitch rather than tell the police, then that's your problem, and no one else's.

→ No one is going to accept your “Victim Card” any longer.

“Yeah... gotta go with Klim on this one, Jordan.”

ATTN Yonkers: Post your proof, your verifiable and reliable evidence of your accusations with absolute clarity and certainty, clearly documented that connect physical evidence and reports of witnesses to a specific person, or shut the fuck up.

In other words: “PROVE IT!”

“ A ‘burden of proof’ is a party’s duty to prove a disputed assertion or charge, and includes the burden of production (providing enough evidence on an issue so that the trier-of-fact decides it rather than in a peremptory ruling like a directed verdict) and the burden of persuasion (standard of proof such as preponderance of the evidence)….
* “ If the claimant fails to discharge the burden of proof to prove their case, the claim will be dismissed.”
(Source: )