what's there to deny if this isn't what i say or do at all... 
i dont write diaries. i dont have attraction to irl people. i dont even wish nor think about sophia being "real", or my mother... hell i dont think of sophia at all. i dont think of any othr oc beside mittens himself. and im definitely not a  hebe, or gerontophile. i do not like fig,  never have, and i never even said shit about her voice. i heve never been obsessed with them or any other things like what's written in this suspicious "diary". speaking of  diaries i  dont really do them. i do a different style of journaling, diaries is not one of them. to think having my art stolen,  being constantly stalked by, and any harassment from a fucking 89 year old creep is "funny" is rather insane of the person's thinking. no one is okay with being harassed like this much less get any negative comment at all. 

and the first part, that thread was wholly satire, it was never serious. 
i never wanted an audience from freaks who stay on their computer behind a screen postng wojaks all day. 
i never intented to get "attention", and i've only started from deviantart. 
now i am currently just thinking of wiping everything off, and starting an entirely, new different brand image not to be shown by anyone, or for anyone with public attitudes. i dont need to interact with morals  either, but im not sure. maybe i am doing quitting after all ithe stalking just doesn't stop. no one realizes how damaging it does to people's mental health. if this is okay to you then you clearly don't care about privacy. or you  care  none about people's lives, and you only instigate into trying. no one needs your input