Nigga what are you talking about . stop obsessing over this event we're on good terms now. i have only told in hopes you'd feel sympathy, but no i guess you have to feel like shit. i didn't say "everything" couldn't get hurt either.
Um, dude. Fiction isn't real, and I'm sure putting flesh and blood would be fucking disgusting and out of character. 
No???? I live in the fucking real world nigga I did not once say or believe I was in MAcker city. That shit is a joke. 
> r-reality scar- 
HOW??? Bro I lay down on my bed is that scary? fuck off. 
> illusion and fantas- 
do you even know what illusions are
> we simply- 
> durr, poor bas- 
See, negative rising again. I'm not poor and I have a dad. 
> h-he won't understand the concept waaaah 
Dude I'VE SEEN the word on font displays before, and also why laugh at misfortune caused by youselves?? NIgga's desperate for someone actually in danger. The more you project "retardeness" onto me the more chance I'm going to decrease your projection and keep searching/doing things that make me smart. 
> d-durrr, pitiful!!! "we" feel pity for someone who actually proves us wrong 
you do nothing silly or pitiful, you act like this on fucking purpose and you keep denying that this is a horrible place to post on. and you still won't leave 4chan. you expect to have "friends" online  but you waste it on making pointless, unfunny, and poop-releated memes. not even my grandpa likes doing that. 
> and deal with the real world 
breakfast irl taste good you're just jealous