did i say they do? fuck off. 
nope, i typed it all myself with my fingers because i dont copy information from google. no one writes like me. and i do not write like the ceo of collegehumor. 
what is there to parrot if i do want someone to stop? thats a general thing to say, not copypaste. 
Fuck off, I am not your boyfriend and neither are you my date. 
> showing that he does- 
logos, visual design, and graphic design. yes. we know i'm talented, and i don't "groom". i had not once said anywhere on my accounts, messages, or even "hints" that there'd be such thing. stop comparing me to fucking dr. disrespect or edp blah blah blah. those are all bad, but so are you for riling up unwanted shit against me. 
and no, klim isn't a role model. i would not want a honmeless person living in crap shed houses whom steal art from other people and teenagers as a role model, hell i don't fucking have models