Found this amusing, it's from the same thread.
> one day in a few thousand years historians will be able to recover some of the ancient digital data that was once corrupted, and they'll be able to get a glimpse into what life was like in the 21st century.
> problem is, the hard drive they're recovering the data from belonged to klim, and all they're finding is AI generated images of some fat mexican guy with captions saying he eats poop.
> they'll be left speculating about it for another millennium. one popular theory will be that the mexican shit eater was once a deity of some kind, another one will be that he was the king of watnai, a hypothesized nation, allegedly located somewhere in the continent of oceania, that is said to have been so poor that their ruler forced everyone to eat shit.
> along with the images of the mexican man, they'll also find several images of an old man, referred to as "bernie" or "klim". historians will speculate that the great bernie klim was another emperor of watnai, one that managed to pay off the nation's debt and get the people eating actual food again.