1. no. 
2. that's a FAKE, fictional world. not seomthing of "imaginary land" becaus ei dont believe i to be real. 
3. both are fine. how about YOU? did you stop drinking? 
4. same as 3 
5. you do know i dont have pdd, right. you havent actually looked at the definition of what it REALLY means. I have not paused my 'development' at talking to people :) 
6. misusing words? lol i love proving you wrong. besides, a "5 year old" does not know that many words. 
7. disabled or not it's not everyone's humor. it's only that of a neet whose onyl entertainment is 4chan and desperation similar to that. you need to get a hobby and a real life. you need to drop your internet bills and leave. you cant stick around talking to me forever for the same inane shit. that'll be like a life wasted. and not a good one. so shut the fuck up about "luckily" being anything, because you're not clever and you aren't a happy man in life you're clearly unwell. you're fucking dumb. 
> because you- 
because what? when did i say anything about believing in mental age? retard. it's actually weird to compare an adult mind to that of a child's.