its not a ramble at all you're just lazy to admit that you're not any better. just a pathetic old man in their 30s. if your job is so stellar then why not fuck off back to it and dont contact me again? 
well i'm not learning impaired. nothing of my post contains that. otherwise i wouldnt know what 1+1 is (spoiler: i do. i just dont brag about math all the time) 
> doesn't really argu- 
You came to me about how you "work" while acting maladjusted. Fuck off. You were the one that wanted to converse with me so badly. 
Am I that hot to you, a fucking 20 year old who doesn't even WANT to talk to you cause of how rude and projective you're being?
> y-your des- 
my desire is not about MAP stuff buddy. cope more 
> percept
 what am i percepting? doing nothing to anybody thats a real human being? yeah beause i dont FUCKING OBJECTIFY or ASSUME THEY'RE ANYTHING ELSE DEFAMATING without knowing lol. i just block the person if i dislike, i dont mindlessly rant about them if thats what you're saying 
> durr projec- 
My point stands. Don't compare me to a child again. I wasn't even doing anything "sexual" until 15, 'nuff said. I used to think peeing was when the boner got hard anyway, it didn't.