no, it's not at all pretend. i'm actually animating for once lol 
i can even do computer generated animation. too bad you can't see it be4cause you dont believe in online things or any hope for indie media, even if it meant testing or making dozens of adult swim-type logos (like what Pipster almost always does). 
i do not work with "children". i do not even "punch holes in walls". if anything that wasnt even for a reason i should disclose to a simpleton like you. 
> your me- 
keep your concepts away from me, cunt. i say it's strange to compare me to an innocent kid's mind. i do not have a kid's mind, either way you're proven wrong 
none of me is entertainment dude. i dont suffer from fake disorders u make up 
when is getting rightfully mad at unwanted creepy comments a "snap"? i don't like being objectified like that. 
No, it's "mel-eh-man-tul". Meaning MELLEMANTLE. Like, FREE-mantle, the company that distributes most shows. I had parodied that for a while now. Now I just abandoned the mack name since its a deadname now 
There's no "perverted justice", anon. That's "play-pretend" isn't it? 
> can talk to dozens of- 
> was actually doing something other than your feeble psychotic projections 
Oh gosh. I can't believe how insanely wrong you are. You could've at least said you don't like me, instead of assuming "uhhh this guy talks to minecrafters waaaah"