> Holy shit, so if it's not a fucking insult but only to one person, then this makes no fucking sense.
Lots of things don't make sense to you as you have a PDD.
> Still though, it's not a creative insult.
Correct. It's a statement of fact.
> I have told numerous of times this isn't pervading any disorder or having issues with moving houses and skills. Literally not what being online and making art is about.
The garbled nature of this comment proves you don't understand the concept.
> Stop comparing me and my stuff to other random people's lives and problems. You only "repeat" it because it is
True, yes.
> a delusional thing for you to say. Hell, I'll make a count on the times you have said the word.
Do that.
> durrr objective statement
> from a guy who's clearly a grumpy old drunken bastarrrd durrrrrrr
Not clear enough, apparently. I don't remember the last time I touched alcohol and it certainly wasn't since the last time I told you I don't drink.
> well if you dont like animation or drawings, then go home.
"Our art, our board" suggests you should be the one leaving.
> i'm not forcing you to fucking watch my cartoon
What cartoon?
> and have you throw a fucking tantrum about it.
Maybe I should punch holes in the wall or beat my mother? No Jordan, we don't behave in the way you do.
> you don't need to address anything, really. you're just gonna wast more time with yourself. fuck off.
I know that, but it makes the work day just fly by. Thanks again for your help.
Jordan provides endless fodder, doesn't he? These rambles provide so many talking points for us, even if it does confuse him a little.
Is it safe to assume you were the "old alcoholic" he thought he was talking to?
Hoo boy, that was a long one!