Best of luck on your crusade!
> This isn't play-pretend,
... he play-pretended.
> remember when Cinar
No idea what that is. Is it safe to assume it's some gay retard little kid shit?
> replying doesnt mean im a retard lol
> blocks the board
Poopcat retarded.
> or less
I suppose this one is accurate, but only because it's everyone on the board including you (except Klim).
> forgotten your age like pdd
So you finally accept the disorder! Good start, now accept that you have it instead of trying to project it on others.
> My test results are already good dude. Better than sped ed classes
Then you should have no trouble posting them, what are you waiting for?
> Already at ATC famalam.
Arse Tickling Children?
> Not helping your case, you didn't fix anything. You just prove my point on running something online and unstoppable :)
Nobody's arguing that you run something online and unstoppable, it's called a "hobby". The distinction is that it isn't a company and no amount of your play-pretend changes that.
> Or neither of those.
Which means all of them, yes I know.
> I'm not your we,
No, you don't see your PDD. "We" was referring to those of us who don't suffer with your condition, which is everyone else on the board.
> And everything that is animating drawing browsing art? Okay that's no surprise, everyone browses.
Non sequitur tardbabble.
> No it's because it's legitimately inappropriate to even assume a woman is a child?
Don't worry about it Jordan, you are literally incapable of grasping it.
> And if it's not MPD (which it isn't), then why do you even care? It's surely better than being Macker.
Just pointing out that your retard roleplay only convinces minors (like Cooper).
> Lemonz
I'm Lemonz again today, am I? Neat.