Nigga just give up. I'm not lying when i say I'm not fat, and i've never even remotely licked poop??? And I've legit never jerked off in any call. Unless i said something sexual about rot i don't think you should keep claiming this. And no I don't "erp" either. Literally zilch of that. 
> what are you- 
Wow you forgot about Thyla already? 
What's a 6 to 0 have to do with your rambling? You shouldn't be contacting kids lmao you'll just make yourself an idiot to them. 
> Fi- 
You can't fix anything. 
> Non sequi- 
Not really, yhou're just ignoring the fact that i dont do any of these things. You're powerless, insane, and pathetic. I don't go out my way to actually tell people I'm into diapers or fat whatever stuff