Do you really think I'd see a paraphile as someone who knows change and can just... not hurt anyone? There's a thing called "anti contact" you know, but I'm sure dozens of paras aren't even pedos and they dont really interact with AAMs or any minor for the matter. 
HOW in the actual FUCK is that admitting? I did not say anything confirming a non-existent action. I don't groom, and that's that. 
I was SAYING, a FRIEND turns OUT to be a creep, I would NOT cut contact with THEM. 
I'm not referring to the friend as my own self, who - clearly - isn't a thing like that. Being into cub/loli isn't equivalent to being a predator or groomer, moron. Learn some sense, or fuck off. 

And don't just keep calling me the n-word too. Calling you dyslexic would be an insult, but hey, you don't read.