You just replied to someone else idiot lol 
"People" as in what, mentallu ill or just plain naive? And once again, the "pedo community" you're referring to is the ones that are into REAL children, and mere fictional crap does not count. Get a grip. 
> Your ima- 
What imaginry land? When have I ever fucking talked about imagination? Not only are you persistent but you're so dumb you sometimes think I'm "All about imaginating". i don't do that. 
And no, an action is not an imagination. Even if I shown you my typography work you wouldnt care because you're not into fucking design. Which is almost as sad as your insistent behavior. 
> I think- 
That you're a moronic, deluded, piece of shit idiot that needs to be away from the Internet, and their job. The ranting about "groomers" and "learning impaired" people are bogus. 
None of my actions have been about "muh luring and masturbating". Don't believe me? I'll give you lithium then. But wait, you already proved my point. 
> Y- 
Just cause I say a meme is dead doesnt indicate PDD, grow up dude. You're talking like a teenager who 'knows it all', stuck in a 40 year old body. 
I do not miss any part of your 'comprehension', its just that no one really agrees with you. Literally nobody. They won't fucking believe you about how you met and hate an autistic queer who actually hasnt done shit to anybody. 
> if i wa- 
Not a pedo. Man up nigga 
> every- 
> since tha- 
> non se- 
You just implied that I would tell everyone who I am.... they don't care. They don't care about 'pedophiles' like Zoocat. I do not "follow" him. He wasnt even remotely on baraag, his account was a mere import and had a limit in a way. It's not on BARAAG.NET. 
> i know exa- 
No, you don't. Your ego is slipping again. 
But not really. Grow up, ego-man.