ummm sweetie people used the word 'naive' long before a 40 year old incestous affair-having faggot 
> keep go- 
What path I'm already on the path of bringing cartoons to 'life', unlike him. 
> e-e-e-event- 
No, no you're incorrect.
> only p- 
Delulu talk 
> quoting old ass posts from before i became queer 
nigga, my ocs as parents were a mere joke. the secret starter road is barely a thing in my posts but i retooled that into 202x, it jokingly referred to earth, obviously. that was so you couldnt keep posting my dox info. 
and no, having a company or all those stuff isn't imaginating. I dont even like being called jordan. online companies already legally exist, i mean take a look at fucking DINGO FILMWORKS of all things!!! danny might not be a fast guy but he can animate! 
> t-the- 
There is no list, you're just rambling because of how successful I can be in terms of private mutual internet. 
> all you are doing is- 
Showing people the difference?
> durrr rambling im going to deny it to make myself look more unhinged 
Good, you proved my point. Glad you could admit this addiction over me is unhealthy, and you're beyond bogus. 
> won't cure- 
Something I don't have? Lmao 
> d-d-durrr being unable to a-a-any- 
I have analyzed all your coments and they are that of a insane man who won't leave a SANE autistic queer guy alone, and that you sometimes infantalize that man, if not often. 
Just as you prove my point, you're undoubtedly creepy for comparing a 20 year old's mind to  a 5 year old's. No 5 year old in life is sexual, dude. It's not a clear sign, you sound more and more abnormal when you repeat this. 
> Nice tr- 
You're a grown ass man arguing with an autistic, is that any better? No, it's just make you look like a loser. 
> durr proje- 
Ego slipping up... 
> b-
No, no, and once again, no? 
> unl-
 I've responded truthfully and i dont believe everyone should be in what, incarceration?