> Adults can't make choices that are spamming
Who do you think does it then?
> That is not healthy
... says the fat, minor-attracted poo licker.
> This isn't from a 5 year old, because they are children, this is not from a child; you're sick for thinking that.
Nobody said you are a 5 year old, Jordan. It's your mental age and lifestyle which is that of a 5 year old. You remember mental ages, right? It's that concept you argued didn't exist for a while until you started parroting it at Klim.
> I hope someone puts you down, we'll see who's being "funny" then
Death threats, necrophile, blah blah. You remember the retard shit you spouted in the past in response to these kinds of posts, back at ya!
> Lol jetski
Again, the conversation has moved past that one Jordan. I know you like to go back in time, but that ship has sailed. We are no longer on the DID YOU? phase, you clearly did and the evidence all says so, combined with your inability to prove otherwise deeper than "no" like a toddler.
> Thyla is not autistic.
Good work Jordan, I didn't mention her name and you immediately thought "Oh yes, I remember making alt accounts to harass this person, it must be her that he is talking about". Thank you for proving you were harassing her.
By the way, SHE says she's autistic so you might need to correct her with your expert diagnosis Dr. Diddles.
> Never said the n word.
Check your post here >>/38728/ fuckwit. At least pick a different thread to lie in reality-challenged.
> But that's not an accurate cartoon and it's not even of me anyway
Too subtle for you, was it? Everyone else could see what they were getting at.
> No
> no
> nope
Low effort Mexican Mirror Madness, all confirmed as yes due to no proof supporting claims.
> that aren't freaky zoophiles who want to rape an actual animal or baby one, no i dont have those as mutuals. kill yourself.
You're the one who said this "Rob" friend of yours tried out grooming.
> That's not worth doing any money.
EFL, but true. However, my employers don't know about it so bad luck.
> You're living a sad life when you could be moving on from me. I
I'm slapping you around to pass the time at a place I have to be in order to earn money. You don't hear from me at night or the weekends because you are no longer useful. Thanks again for your service Jordan, it's very good of you to dedicate your time like this to help me out!
> Get out of the internet.
That actually would get me fired. The database isn't very useful without the internet and emails don't send either.
> You don't even desreve to do "Everything done
What language was this?
> even they aren't as low as you are.
So why am I able to slap around a pedo retard and still manage to do as much work as they do at the same time?
> LMFAO dude i didnt mean that. You're perverted.
That's okay Jordan, words can be hard... unlike that micro.
> get a life.
Instead of living with my mother, staying up until 4 am to argue with strangers on the internet, being fat and unemployed, licking my own shit and grooming minors? Yes, good idea. Getting a life sounds smart.
> i never said not liking minors was a red flag
> no i am not bieng opposite, i am just merely telling you that is not me roleplaying with anybody you identify as "kid"...
> No does not mean yes,
MMM, the Mexican Mirror Man madness continues!