When have I said that? 
Lol no I dont have a humpback and I'm not "fat".
Wrong. Again. 
Dont' have children as brides at all.
I was banned for allegedly BEING underage, not hacking. I dont think hacking is against tos??? 
How is it a truth when it's actually regarded as creepy. 
I've only lied about licking shit, I just wanted to fuck with your brains for fun. Too bad you keep thinking about that, as it's the only"thing" i've ever "done". It is not. 
Learn to read the word "stop". I did not lick or groom.
How is it stressful to have been corrupted by an older party when you're a minor? What the actual fuck, please don't defend bigu. I was not willing to show my nude self. at all.
How tf is someone vulnerable if they're already used to porn; I've been 16/15 and I wasn't vulnerable to being groomed. 
Ys I was groomed dude. I was 17, Bigu was in their 30s. How hard is it to get that in your fucking head. Someone with autism knows this is wrong, right?
I wasn't a man who was "grooming" because I have never done that.  I would not even ask anyone for any picture you moron.
> y-yo've be- 
No. He's moved on now :) 
> t-t-t-that dod-d-doesn't mea- 
yes it does mean that. if you weren't so oblivious you would've seen the amount of content i produce, especially on my own wiki, dipshit. why do you think the rodfellows has their own wiki and content? hmmmmm? you're such an ingrate. because i do not have any play pretend games of a retard. i dont have pdd, not a groomer. i'm not r kelly :) not a mirror dude