> Can you move on from me please
Why are you here?
> Cause I don't do that, idiot.
> There are no victims 
I'm talking to the man in the mirror...
> Maybe you should go outside 
I have to, Jordan. I don't work from home. How about you?
> and not think of the internet every day.
Again, why are you here? Practice what you preach.
> It doesn't mean that every child is "me" by default though, does it?
No it does not, it means that your argument why you don't have a child's mind is retarded and your inability to learn that continually using this reason you "don't have a learning impairment" further proves that you do.
> and yes you're still creepy for 
... agreeing with your mother, who knows better than you do. Is she creepy, Jordan?
> you cant just declare that without what, any proof
Proof for:
Your mother said so.
Your inability to understand adult concepts.
Your lifestyle.
Proof against:
(You should provide some, there is currently none.)
> you're actually retarded.
You mean "PDD" and that's projection.
> hobbies are much more than just "hobbies".
Hobbies are literally just hobbies. Redefining words is for trannies.
> The posts you write seriously remind me of a smug asshole who just doesn't care
Why do I need to care, Jodran?
> so he writes it to brag about how "insecure" someone's good life is
The life of a child combined with the life of a child predator doesn't sound good at all.
> compared to working and talking on endchan, wasting his little days in life away.
> That's you, You are wasting your life. Away.
Yes I am, but adults have to do a thing called "work" to earn money, which they have to spend on staying fed and sheltered. Do adults want to waste their lives working? No, but that is how the world is. Using some of the time I'm supposed to be working dunking on a retard is a happy compromise. Never stop the clown show, Jordan.