> faggot
That word is generally more closely associated with men who erotic roleplay with little boys than it is with men who like adult women, but good attempt at projection all the same.
> but i do
(more tardbabble about his play pretend which makes no money and which he would not have anywhere near as much time for if he had the life of an adult)
> how do you think
...other retard manchildren play about with their hobbies? I assume they live with their parents and don't worry about adult life.
> how about, a goanimator, making MONEY off of the videos they make
How about it? Some people make money taking photos of their anus, but the vast majority of people who do it do not. You didn't, did you?
> You can't prove facts with facts
Play-pretender Mirror Man, living in delusion land.
> on a cartoon
We've done this one before too. Cartoon porn of children is child porn:
What do you think that makes cartoon porn of animals? If you don't like the law of the country you live in, then go back to Mexico.
> you're actually stupid
Post I.Q. test results.
What in the Chris-Chan tardbabble are you on about now? Holy non sequitur Batman!