telling someone that is being annoying ON PURPOSE to stop, is *not* a command. it is a suggestion. and you have ignored it for 6 years now.
it's your fault that you broke my boundary/rules, buddy. i might not display it everywhere, but anyone over 80 are not allowed to interact. you kept interacting, prior to *just* before i turned 18.
this is not a demand nor command. this is me telling you to give up your obsession over a fucking man older, yet younger than your balding wrinkly ass.
i can respect elders though, just not ones that steal my art, act creepy a bunch of times, and mistake my genuine opinions as "sexual favors".
i am not hooking up, nor putting up with an old man. fuck off.
> even his me-
Not at all. You just fail to see that people don't have to meet your standards, and you need to stop making up false memories too. I'm not your video game playtoy.
Tard Wars was never a thing, so don't pull that "bait" card again; because no one's laughing. Even a satanist person can tell that's wrong