Can't stop doing what has never happened.
> what's your mo-
For drawing? Because I can.
I get it, I should've died before I turned a few years older. Maybe no one would have to see stuff like "Jampacked", hence its efforts to not become one of those annoying weird slice-of-life craps you'd see on Indie TV. Or ny project for the matter, Mittens wouldn't exist (maybe in the afterlife? he would retain the design thoughever), and neither would anyone else beside who I draw the most.
In fact, none of LTN/ATC would exist if it weren't for me pursuing a career on fucking 4chan; but rather another website. Of course, written in a different language. Whatever goes better, but I should've off'd at 5 years old, or earlier. I would've told my younger self to never go on toxic websites like Twitter or "social" that's on the hellfuck of the internet. Maybe Joshua wouldn't live either. In fact I wouldn't endure any of thsi if you hadn't harassed me to the point of almost doing something FOR you against my will.
Long story short, I hate you. And about everything.
But you make me hate my life more. THanks to your constant harassment, you're more sadder than fucking Klim of all people. At least he kinda gets the memo of "stopping", unfortunately this lasts until his death.