> anon 
> later calls me yonkers, poopact, diddy kong, ft. other stupid name i dont associate myself with anymore/at all
What's next, a Fagozoid? Make up your fucking mind. 
> misses the po- 
I actually know the point. 
You aren't the troll because you constantly steal art, you make unwanted sexual advances to someone that hates you, and you sexualize/be weird in genearl about almost EVERY pic I have of my face/general art. You also impersonated Asfalaf + Fig one time. 

As for your images, I know what those EXACTLY mean. But you weren't even spouting any "insults" nor criticizing. 
You have no grasp on what they actually mean. 
You do not get to criticize someone who doesn't do the bad shit you had done. 
This is once again - NOT because of "muh pdd autism". I do not have pervadive disorder at all, or any one for the fact. It's because you're one of the most flawed, whinging, hypocritical, and potentially dangeorus persons I've met. 
There are no fucking trolls. 
Stealing art isn't a troll. It's a crime. 
Sexualizing minors before they even turn 18 is not a troll. 
Reposting the same links over and over to the point of being insufferable is not a troll. 
And trying to blame me for calling you out reasonably for the actions you caused for 4 years is not a troll; you're just being annoying, insufferable, and in-denial of the truth. 

I can just tell it by the copypaste