why won't you grow out of this website. 
> If 
No, no, you need to fucking realize what you've done. You're a predator, an art stealer, and a general nuisance. You cannot keep up with that forever you know? Your old brain isn't wired to do those things. 
> you still would no- 
I do believe you've been GENERALLY annoying me, going onto thread after thread, stalking me on only 2 fucking websites if not more. You're just too pussy to tell me because you know I'm going to call you out right away. 
The only 'problems' that have been caused was yours, you started it, you solve it. By leaving. And being a man. Grow of this website, grow out of stalking permanently. 
No one's craving attention here buddy, you're the one doing just that. All I am telling you is just listen to grown men. Yet you act like a child about it