> Shittens finally appears at the beaches bitching about his brother and other unrelated things for the cause.

Shittens arrives to the stationed crew only to see Toilet Man having a little picnic on the beaches equipped with a small table and luxury items where he is currently day drinking. Toilet Man then waves Shittens over and pours him a drink.
Shittens then says

> Cut the bullshit what is it you and Lord Diaper are planning?

Toilet Man replies

> A new era my boy, Toiletism will inherit the soon to be fallen kingdom

Shittens not looking amused

> You two retards don't have a plan...

This causes Toilet Man to laugh it off

> Aye aye lad plans fall apart all the time so we're winging it

Shittens then sighs

> When have things ever gone your way? Wtf makes you think this little idea of yours will work?

Toilet Man trying to come off as sly

> Ye of little faith aren't here for no reason it is written in the stars!

Shittens then states

> Whatever man, if things end up going south I won't hesitate to turn on you

Toilet Man with a smile extending his hand

> Welcome aboard mate!

And thus comes to be Shittens now backing up Toilet Man and Lord Diaper's unholy union.