Somebody please dox him and shut down/delete this guy's Facebook account. He also has two others. A friend of mine was underaged and was talking to him for a couple days, he sent about 5 pictures of his genitals. After that, she ceased to message him. Because she was so young, she didn't understand the circumstances.
She's deleted her account since, there might be evidence on his. She had screenshots but couldn't stand to look at it. It's traumatized her badly. I believe he was about 19 or 20 at the time and she was 14.
I think that he is doing things like this to other girls or underaged children as well. It's dangerous for him to be doing this considering the Facebook community has many minors on the site that could be on his friends list.
Here's the information that I can gather so far.

Name: Igor Lenting
Country: Netherlands (possibly Heemskerk)

Main facebook:
Alt facebook:
Alt facebook:

Snapchat: gilanthegrey
