>> bb/111818@111751
This is written not only by Wikipedors, but also by the famous Stahl (the bible of pharmacologists). The problem is that it captures serotonin well and dopamine poorly. Everywhere they write about high doses ... who are these doses? Who has full-blown depression? Or an ADHD person who is at risk of serotonin syndrome? Conventionally, duloxetine even has a higher difference with its capture of norepinephrine. This fucking serotonin is mostly affected by anxiety and depression, well, at least we would have a drug with a predominantly or equal effect on dopamine / norepinephrine, and not mainly on serotonin. In the West, no one in their right mind would prescribe Zoloft for ADHD, mostly hand-ass psychiatrists who somehow managed to fuck two mutually exclusive diagnoses like ADHD + GAD - so of course Zoloft is normal. Well, Russia is of course a stronghold of "drugs do not pass"