>> bb/114533@111751
> Buy 107 uniforms from the shop
Dude, I don't think you have ADHD, but some other condition.
All that 107 is only formally by prescription. There are antibiotics and blood pressure pills for grandma, and in general, any shit that will never ask for a prescription. They can only get into psychopharma, but your atomoxetine usually doesn't get slapped.
But since you're filling it out anyway, fill it in on bacon. Or antidepressants, if you need them. They're 107, but they're hard to knock out without a prescription.
But the lyrics are already 148, and no one will ever sell them for 107. Fuck you, I'm screaming.
> Strattera
No one's going to sell it to you anymore because it's stupidly gone, because they don't bring it into the raska anymore. Get used to the sweet taste of Hindu shit.