Case 17. Severe ADHD, hyposexuality, and executive function problems.
A 65-year-old man with ADHD throughout his life. For the past eight years, he has been treated with several drugs. At first, his attention problems improved with Ritalin, but then it took the addition of pemoline. However, he still suffered from difficulty in making decisions (executive dysfunction).
Attempts to add lamotrigine, donepezil, fluoxetine and selegiline to the treatment regimen were unsuccessful. He then began taking sibutramine at a dosage of 10 mg twice a day and noticed an immediate recovery in his ability to concentrate, including his ability to plan and execute his plans effectively for the first time in years. Due to dry mouth and insomnia, the dosage of sibutramine was reduced to 5 mg twice daily, and pemolin and Ritalin were discontinued without reducing the effectiveness of the treatment regimen.
Do not order sibutramine abroad. Do not receive a package of sibutramine if it comes from abroad. This is fraught with a long prison term, since sibutramine is on the list of potent substances. [20]
In the rest, sibutramine with the addition of cellulose in the composition is not subject-quantitative and is sold according to the usual recipe, the same as, for example, for antibiotics. It can be bought in the same ways as any other drug, except for foreign stores.