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Grow Thread 35
Newphagum read:
Platinum (obsolete) FAQ - http://pastebin.com/hgN4Tb4W
OLK Cannapedia - https://olkpeace.org/cannapedia.html
Download OLK Cannapedia - https://olkpeace.org/download11-57.html
Any store that sends to the post office, the code ask to send to fake mail, give the number of the store or randomly, from tested:
https:/ /a.sovoc.rodeo
If you ask a question about a plant, then take a picture of it and write the conditions of cultivation: Substrate, light, fertilizer, pH, temperature, strait, its frequency and quantity. Don’t forget to compress large photos.
Good instruction for a beginner (BUT autoflowers to newphages are NOT recommended >>> bb/16720@16720): http://jahforum.org/topic/11841-dlia-novichkov-posobie-kak-vyrastit-avtotcvet/
Grover Bible: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1Htj9du29YZU1JZnJmbXFmUFE/view?usp=sharing
Grover Bible (smaller and simpler): http://2file.net/get/22875
The Groubox editorial list: https://files.catbox.moe/f4dhec.png
Tests of household LED lamps http://lamptest.ru/
Course of lectures "Plant Physiology (Match)"
https:/ /hooktube.com/watch?v=uxhOxCWw0Po&list=PLg5hGWHKnVwJAF8ji_mZlQOhFRjRNPoP9
FAQ hydroponics: http://0bin.net/paste/YCgXdZAMzEgOgK8E#iZp9poWBxruW8112zdhbQcm8hCmDASJEKDjJg2jQ6Ec=
Fertilizer calculator with instructions: https://olkpeace.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=97219&p=4561158&hilit=Nutrient+Solution+Calculator#p4561158
Fertilizer calculator: https://code.google.com/archive/p/hydroodo/downloads
Ultimate Grow video: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=xFKr_5nM3WI
Video How To Grow: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=zX5vIpPaOjk
Video 100% Organic: https://hooktube.com/watch? v=JbBjO4kRknw
Supergrass video: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=FfDI_BzWrMk
Video The Culture High: https://hooktube.com/watch? v=7BdPzju3ug8
Use search by thread - Ctrl+F
Use the search by OFC - https://olkpeace.org/forum/search.php (works better for registered users)
Fox groutred archive https://anonfiles.com/9e43q105nc/growthreads_rar pass : lolifox.org
A database of sidbanks and varieties descriptions https://en.seedfinder.eu/search/extended/
Growing autoflowers under two meters https://olkpeace.org/forum/viewtopic.php? f=102&t=66207
Lamp of your dreams for boys, guide from local anon https://telegra.ph/Lampa-svoej-mechty-dlya-pacanov-08-20
Previous thread: >> bb/116614@116614