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> 3-MMC is best for sexy time. It's like dirty MDMA, quite energetic and euphoric, but lacks that loving magic. More grounded and a bit speedy, can feel a bit forced at times. People get in trouble with redosing and it's supposed to be very "moreish", but if you can handle coke and don't go overboard, it's not that bad. It's well known as a party drug, specifically for sex parties, hopefully you can make it work.

> 4-MMC is supposed to be more grounded, energetic instead of euphoric. Cleaning the house experience not dancing and loving everyone experience. If you need to focus and be productive, that's the way to go. Of course you can still make the best use of your time in any way you see fit.

> 3-CMC is an analog that is way less common, there's really no useful info to go on in terms of safety profile and long-term consequences. Should be similar to 3-MMC, but there's no reason to risk it, better to avoid it if you have alternatives.

< 4ммс для любви, 3ммс для похоти

То есть, всё это время я охотился за 3ммс (который ещё и дешевле), а мне говорили, что это просто МЕФ НИТОТ? Меня что, тралили все 3 года?