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4-Methylbuphedrone (4-MeMABP) - I'm not impressed!

NOTE: I have a very high stimulant tolerance, developed over many years. I definitely wouldn't advise anybody to take similar amounts of this compound! Effects can be very different between people. This is just my personal experience with this compound

Ordered a gram, which arrived today. Consumed it completely over the course of 1500h-2200h. Drank about 8 beers too during this period. Routes of administration tried were sniffing, vaping using an oil burner, and oral ingestion.

Effects are very mild stimulation and mood elevation, nothing overwhelming at all. Much weaker than things like 3mmc, 2mmc, 3cmc with any route of administration. Overall pretty disappointing.

Короче не делайте так. Если вы получили каким то чудом п-толуиловую кислоту из говна и палок то и пропионовую сделайте. 
Из оргстекла.

Масляную на незамещенный только