Ohmecarfentanil (RTI-4614-38), also known as Ohlofentanil, is a mu opioid receptor agonist from the class of fentanyl analogues which was found to be 30,000 times more potent than morphine in the rhesus monkey single dose suppression test.[1] This makes ohmecarfentanil, along with some closely related analogues, among the most potent opioid agonists known at this time, even surpassing lofentanil and ohmefentanyl.

Вот это тема. В нем есть остаток фенилэтанола 3 метил и карбоксигруппа от карфентанила. Мощная вещь. Диметил пиперидон из ПММА его ослабить конечно