Translation of full audio:
ABOUT! What are you doing here?
I play with toys.
One? In this sandbox?
Well yes.
Dirty pedophile, get away from me!
I am only 8 years old, do not harm the child!
Do you want some candy? No.
Do you want some candy? No.
Do you want some candy? No.
Maybe on the pens? No.
Loli, come to me.
Loli, come to me.
What for?
Loli, come to me.
Loli - Loli, come to me.
My dad is the police chief.
Oh no!
He is a cop! The Inquisition awaits you.
Sorry little girl.
Do you want some candy? No.
Do you want some candy? No.
Do you want some candy? No.
Pedophile, come to me. No.
Pedophile, come to me. No.
Loli, come to me.
Loli, come to me.
What for?
Loli, come to me,