I know, I know. I am a stranger and shouldn't get invested in what happens to her. And yet...
It's not like I am the first person that gets way too invested in a girl that he doesn't even really know. It's not a reciprocal thing anyway. I would just love nothing more than to see Bonbi succeed; for things to work out fine for her. 

> why?
Not sure. 
Maybe I can identify with the socially isolated girl crying herself to sleep. Maybe there are just parts of her story I sympathize with. Maybe for once I would like to see the cute girl 4chan obsesses over not to end up as a porn star, drug addict, or mentally ill basket case. 
Or maybe it's just because she's cute.

And yeah, yeah, I know. This makes me a cuck, a simp, an incel, a loser, and what have you. I don't care.