> which is the elephant in the room you're constantly ignoring.
Do you know how to get rid of an elephant in the room? You acknowledge it and then move on. To which I have done. So the idea that you're obsessing over SETH BAD! and SETH JAIL! is just useless because I already agree and have agreed...
> That makes no sense
In the absence of explicit consent beforehand, the recipient may show consent if they choose to retain the images or video on their device. Under these facts, receiving the sexted material may be legally actionable.
And since they're in a now clearly, committed relationship, I'm sure she's consented. Whether you can prove she is not in control of herself is your burden. And it's more likely she's consented than being emotionally manipulated by a genius groomer (like you portray him as(kinda weird...)) who has the literacy level of a 15 year old (judging from his chatlogs). So take your pick.
No. I already acknowledge that age of consent laws exist but that doesn't grant the victim full immunity (LIKE I'VE BEEN ARGUING FROM THE START). Referring back to 'In the absence of explicit ...', legal action can be taken against bonbi for participating somewhat willingly DESPITE being a minor. She is not exempt from the law.
> Also I'm still curious what else you think bonbi has done wrong that she needs to be brought to justice for.
Paypal scamming (Fraud)
Under LA and Federal law, she could actually be liable to some child pornography infractions (could make a case with: https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ffgsTg9jk/ and https://www.instagram.com/p/B9fgzfjAAJG/ might be weak but still an offense - she was not 17 here)